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Warming up

Warming up

Again I am drawing a blank about what I’ve done in the last month and a half. Life has messed with me again. Interference at its best. We have just moved back into a Level 1 Covid restriction in Auckland which means we can virtually go about our every day lives with...
The doing

The doing

Blank. Full moon…lack of sleep. Just spent the last two and a half weeks in Level 3 lockdown again in Auckland, New Zealand after an outbreak of Covid-19 from a mystery source. This time we were a little unprepared. Our heroic Covid-free world status was...
Channelling Meret

Channelling Meret

I truly have no idea what I have done since I wrote my last blog. I’ve been looking back at Meret Oppenheim’s compositions, marvelling at Keith Sonnier’s colours and neons, trawling through Hilary Mantel’s latest novel The Mirror and the Light. The daily explorations...
No sense of order

No sense of order

The world is undergoing a rather large task. And failing miserably in so many places with Covid-19. What a mess! Here in New Zealand our government shut our borders quickly to give our health professionals time to prepare for the unknown and uncontrollable future. As...
Lockdown blockdown

Lockdown blockdown

I’ll have to call this my April blog, due to Covid 19 paralysis (my own). My small world initially appeared to be the same with Level 4 lockdown here in New Zealand. I felt like I had been practising for it all my life. Having worked from home for many years it was...
Gatherings and interferences

Gatherings and interferences

We HS6’ers gathered in one place for our masterclass with Iris Eichenberg on 25 January 2020. The day before, we had met each other for the first time at Jewel Camp and shown our presentations to the room. Renee Bevan did her Push/Pull supercharged workshop with us...