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Starting Again – Almost

Starting Again – Almost

Suddenly it is almost June! I have had three sessions now with my mentor, Manon van Kouswijk. She has been insightful and generous. Suggesting exercises to help loosen up my practice and allow space for the unexpected. After our last meeting, she pointed out that my...


Putting it out there – talking about it. What to exhibit in an exhibition that marks the halfway point in this two year handshake project?  In a public process show how resolved should that process be? Does it need to be jewellery, to be wearable?  So many...
My other Family Tree

My other Family Tree

My master discipline of procrastination comes to the fore as deadlines loom and I find myself reading one of the many books on my desk – Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon. It was something I had picked up out of curiosity from the many hundreds I’d inherited...
Infinite Selves

Infinite Selves

“When you start working, everybody is in your studio – the past, your friends, enemies, the art world, and above all, your own ideas – all are there. But as you continue working, they start leaving, one by one, and you are left completely alone....
Tying Myself in Knots

Tying Myself in Knots

I am so grateful for the energy of Estela Saez and the Handshake group during this series of workshops in what has been a difficult year for me personally. The spirit of generosity has been overwhelming as we’ve worked together through what has been frustrating,...
First Encounter

First Encounter

Before even getting to Estela Saez Vilanova’s first masterclass for handshake 8 I had feelings of plunging into an alien creative pressure cooker. Our brief was to bring three oversized (larger than our head) objects, that we could transform. Rushing through the local...