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A handful of pebbles

A handful of pebbles

The work I made for our mid point exhibition, Proof of Concept, was predominantly driven by material exploration. Since I started making jewellery I’ve been interested in working with stone. I love the materiality of it and it’s connection to the natural world. I love...
Looking (at the) back

Looking (at the) back

    Lately I’ve been playing with embroidery. It feels far away from stone carving. My coach, the wonderful Beppe Kessler, observed that both embroidery and stone carving are meditative practices, “two of a kind”. Maybe I’m not as far away from my usual work...
Losing control

Losing control

    We have just wrapped up 10 sessions with the fantastic Estela Saez. Sometimes it was crazy fun and other times it was deeply challenging.     My practice is very material based, I am obsessed with stone and reluctant to work with other...