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  Annelisse Pfeifer

Artist statement

Since graduation, my jewellery practice has additionally evolved into a packing and unpacking business. Working from an improvised mobile studio, I have learned to adapt to working with both old and new materials as a way to make full use of any extra time outside of ‘work’.

Time and space constitute vital elements when carrying out a creative practice and unleashing the imagination in a busy city. I have learned that having a studio space and regular time dedicated to the creative endeavor is a privilege.  It is all packed in small boxes. All is stripped down to the bare minimum, becoming a constant revision of all my works created until this day – an assemblage of spare materials.

Yet I have embraced the constant hidden joy and freedom to play with tonalities, surfaces, and forms. Creating during spare time brings comfort and soothing qualities. The satisfaction of collaging, sticking, and stitching and the therapeutic opportunity that comes with accomplishing every new work. All unpacked and then packed in a constant loop.

The created piece in this context acquires new meanings; I deconstruct and reconstruct objects found in reality. I generate an amalgam together with my trusted stored friends. I reinvent their purpose, inviting a playful, more experimental, and surreal outcome. Then, my practice comes to life through curious compositions, colours, and textures packed with afresh new qualities.


Annelisse Pfeifer’s fascination with objects, gems, minerals, and personal embellishments started in her early years when her attention would naturally veer towards quirky compositions with colours, textures, and forms. The exploration of materials and techniques is at the forefront of her work. Annelisse enjoys working with a consistent selection of colours, inquisitive texture composition, and surreal elements in her creations. She is endlessly inspired by the multifaceted geography of the many countries she lived in, as well as her multicultural background.

Through jewellery, Annelisse researches and questions how individuals perceive the world: what do they consider essential in their day-to-day existence, and what value do they attribute to the objects around them? Rather than explain the concepts behind her art, she prefers to let viewers connect with the pieces –  explore them, perceive their secret beauty, and draw their own conclusions about the meanings behind them. Her diverse background has taught her that personal interpretations are mutable according to individual cultural constructs.

Annelisse studied at the School of Jewellery in Birmingham and the FH in Düsseldorf. She holds an MA in Jewellery, Silversmithing, and Related Products, as well as Certificates in Gemmology from the Gemmological Association of Great Britain. She is currently based in London and splits her time between working in the Gem industry, making work with Dialogue Collective, and volunteering as a Tour Guide at Tate Modern. 


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