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Like most Handshake8 participants, after our exhibition in November 2023, I was wiped out and needed a break from the constant problem solving and long hours of the preceding year…it was great for a week, but by the following Sunday I was bored, cranky, and in need of a project.  Around that time, Peter Deckers send through an email which included something along the lines of “remember, our art practices are a calling, not a job”. He’s so right.

An upcoming Christmas break in Thailand with my best friends (all living in Europe) presented the perfect scenario to have a go at trying some new things.  In this case, having something cast directly from a CAD design, sent via email to Morris and Watson.

Rhino/ CAD file

Parameters: Unisex, more traditional everyday wear, pendant.

So, how did I come up with the design?  My WhatsApp Group for the recipients is called ‘The Five’.  Long research story short….I eventually landed on the simplified Hand design – it representing my first year in Handshake, and the 5 fingers – one for each member of our group.  On the back I wrote in text ‘5 go off in Thailand 2023’, which riff’s off the 5th book in Enid Blyton’s Famous 5 series ‘5 go off in a caravan’.  On top of that I put a stylised version of my initials (rc)…yeah, I know, I looks a little bit like bum cheeks. Cheeky and (occasionally) arsey (mostly when hangry) are defo some of my descriptors;-).

An additional part of the learning curve was the bail.  With more experience I could’ve had this cast as part of the pendant, but I wasn’t sure which style to use so I challenged myself to make each one differently. A couple in, after all the Exhibition zoom zoom, I was wondering  why do I always make things so hard for myself?!” but ultimately, I am a better maker for the knowledge gained.  

Such simple designs, and yet, they still took a few weeks to conceive of and give life to.

While I love the abstract-thinking art side of my practice, its nice to make jewellery with a more retail focus. The challenge to make something generically appealing that doesn’t feel like a compromise is a fun confine to work within.  

In the aftermath, for me, wearing my pendant is uplifting and  feels almost talismanic.  I had an incredible time in Thailand.  Each time I wear it I am reminded of that holiday but also… these friends, my people, we journeyed together through our 20’s, 30’s and 40’s in London. Now, living on the other side of the world from teach other, the challenges of time differences and busy lives, mean we don’t catch up as frequently as we’d all like.  I wouldn’t be who I am, or where I am now without their influence. Its lovely to have a skill-set that can symbolise the value I place on our friendship, and make something we can all cherish/wear for years to come.

The 5….trying to take a photo together