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My first year of HANDSHAKE 6…


How to:

Get from my head to my hands; from thinking to object

Bring awareness to my process

Evoke not describe

Pare back

Say more with less



Writing has become a valuable tool in my making process.

Stream of consciousness writing…

on paper

creates a gap; a distance that can bring more clarity.

Gives my thoughts movement… instead of getting stuck.

Gives forward momentum

instead of going round and round and round

Editing on the page helps sort through thoughts

to find what is significant…

to sift through the noise

and find a pocket of quiet…

Sometimes it is obvious…

Often it takes lots of work

to get closer to what I am trying to explore; what I am thinking; what I am wanting to understand; to make.


In bringing awareness to my process I am trying to learn to work with and expand on my natural tendencies rather than rail against them; learning to accept and trust myself.