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In the Handshake 8 journey we have recently begun our Contemporary Jewellery History and Theory classes with the incredible Andrea Daly. It has been wonderful to stretch my brain in the theory space in a much more focused way. One of our first projects for the class was to think about what themes and ideas we explore within our work. Through my practice there have been some themes that seem to have held strong and true. In saying that, over the last 12 months of the Handshake Project, there have been so many new ideas to be explored. We presented our explorations by putting pen to paper in the form of a mind map. 



The mind map was a stepping point for us to be able to look for and research the themes and ideas that arose. I have always loved reading about (let’s be honest, mainly looking) other people’s work, it didn’t matter what field. I was lucky to grow up in a household full of books about makers, artists, designers, artistic movements, materials, and so much more. I have inherited the love of books and reading of theory. These days in my house there are several bookshelves, along with numerous piles of books waiting to be read and flicked through. I have a pile beside my bed, next to my computer (also underneath my screen), a pile in the sitting room and a somewhat dusty pile in the workshop. My current reading list (a.k.a the pile of books next to me) are linked more closely to the mind map above. There are definite themes of the exploration of place, writing about place, wayfinding, identification of fauna, as well as books on and about Aortearoa. There is not quite enough time in the day to sit with a cup of tea and open the next book.